#! /bin/bash # livarp_0.4 dwm start-up script ################################# ## launch mail-checker ## edit if needed ------------------------------- if ping -c 1 -w 1 &>/dev/null; then sleep 5 && claws-mail & fi ## change caps_lock into super key - for old laptop -------------------- #xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap ## launch composite manager -------------------------------------------- xcompmgr_livarp -l & ## launch panel -------------------------------------------------------- sleep 1 && fbpanel & ## setup auto-mounting ------------------------------------------------- sleep 10 && udisks-glue --session & ## set dwm wallpaper --------------------------------------------------- #nitrogen --restore ## uncomment to display your favorite wallpaper #/usr/share/backgrounds/randwalls.sh & ## uncomment for a random system wall feh --no-xinerama --bg-fill /usr/share/backgrounds/livarp_04.png ## set statusbar ------------------------------------------------------- conkyd -q -c ~/.conky/conkyrc_dwm | while true; read line; do xsetroot -name "$line"; done & #conkyd -q -c ~/.conky/conkyrc_dwm_colors | while true; read line; do xsetroot -name "$line"; done & ## setup network ------------------------------------------------------- nm-applet & ## launch dwm in a loop with a log file -------------------------------- while true; do /usr/local/bin/dwm 2> ~/.dwm.log done